One In Every Color

Ladies, if you are like me when I find something I love I buy it in every color! Does anyone else do this? I like legit buy them all…lol! So this week I shared this amazing dress I found on Amazon and I love it! It has such a flattering fit on me. It is super comfortable and it can be styled to be dressy or casual. I love a piece that is versatile and I love clothes that I can live in. I love something that I can look cute in running errands all day and then dress up for a girls night, date night, or dinner! This dress is it! It can be worn casually with flip flops or even styled dressy enough to wear to a wedding! It fits a little small I would say. In the nude color I’m wearing a small but then in the other colors I sized up to a medium and I like the way the medium fits best. You can also add a trendy front knot to this dress if you want. My heels are from Target and my flip flops are Tory Burch.  

Try on Session