Hair Extensions
Thoughts I had prior to my extensions…
Is she going to cornrow my hair?
Is it going to hurt or feel like she is sewing my scalp? Is the overall process painful?
Are they going to feel too heavy or uncomfortable?
The questions and concerns were endless and as I did research on the internet I had more questions and concerns! While the internet can sometimes be helpful a lot of times it is not !!
So today I went in a little scared and worried but mostly excited!!! My new color turned out fabulous as always. The extensions took a few hours but they were not painful and it did not feel like I was getting something sewn into my head!!! Also she did not braid or cornrow my hair! I bought 20 in Bellamie extensions. She mixed 2 diff colors to really match my hair and to give some dimension! I got 2 rows. We may need to add more and We may need to cut some of the length. Jenn suggested I see how I like the length first for a few days or so before I decide to cut it. You can always cut it but once it’s done it’s done… ! I’m also going to see how I feel about the thickness after I wash it a few times! I wanted to make sure I can still pull it up in a pony etc without my extensions showing so I didn’t want too many rows!!! This is all new to me so it’s a learning process. I don’t feel like they are too heavy or uncomfortable.
The first 2 days I took Advil at night so they wouldn’t bother me while I slept. You are suppose to sleep with them in a loose braid or low pony. The first 2 nights I tried the loose braid but that was not very comfortable so I have been putting them in a low ponytail. I have been using a scruchie to hold my hair in a ponytail at night. I like how the scrunchies isn’t too tight, is soft and dosen’t pull the hair etc. I washed my hair on Sunday in the shower. I prefer baths but washing my hair in the shower seemed like it would be easier and it was. It took more time than usual since it’s way more hair but wasn’t too difficult. I used the same Matrix Shampoo & Conditioner that I always use and it worked great. I made sure to brush my hair well before showering and again when I got out. I used a microfiber hair turban/towel to get all of the water out of them! A microfiber towel was a huge help and I felt like it helped them dry quicker. After combing my hair out let it air dry for about 45 min. I sprayed a heat protectant on m air and blow dried it. It was all super easy and I didn’t think any of it was a big hassle or anything!
I have been using a WET brush to brush them out a few times a day. So far I am loving them. I have died and gone to hair Heaven and I’m not sure why I waited so long in life to try them !
Hair Stylist Info
Jennifer Fairchild
Salons by JC
301 Trophy Lake Dr #156
Trophy Club, TX 76262
Before & After Pictures